
Florists Choice Gift Bouquet - Extra Large Size

A florists choice extra large sized gift bouquet of flowers available to be delivered in Cambridge Uk
A florists choice extra large sized gift bouquet of flowers available to be delivered in Cambridge Uk
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Florists Choice Gift Bouquet - Extra Large Size


A florist’s choice extra large sized gift bouquet composed from a mix of beautiful fresh flowers and foliage in a mixed colour palette.

What you get: 55-60 stems and 7-8 varieties of flowers and foliage presented in a water bubble and flower bag. Please add your personal message for the recipient and it will be written on to a Willow and Wolf card and added to the bouquet.

Bouquets can be collected or delivered within a 10 mile radius of Cambridge City. Generally we need 24-48 hours notice so please order a couple of days ahead. Please email if you have any questions.

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